Danes sem izkoristila drugo polovica dneva, ko je prenehalo deževati in sem si privoščila en dolg sprehod čez mesto (Celje), kjer mi je družbo delal fotič in nastale so te fine fotografije (sej so fine ane?) :)  Naredila sem še kratek postanek, ter nakupila nekaj stvari za prihodnje ustvarjalne delavnice. Najprej bo na vrsti scrapbook, ker grem naslednji teden v Pariz in bom upoštevala nasvet, da naj si že v naprej pripravim zadeve in nesem s sabo, ter tam samo dopolnjujem in dopišem, doma pa nalepim slike. Ideja je kul, čeprav ponavadi, kadar potujem, mi vedno zmanjka časa za dnevnik,blog in podobne zadeve. :) 

When it stopped raining, I decided that It`s time for a walk. So I went to the city (Celje) and took some cool photos. (they re cool right?) :) I also made a quick stop in a shop, where I bought some things, for my next DIY projects. First one will be a scrapbook (which I never did before btw) , so we`ll see how that goes. I got an advice that It`s good to prepare it in advance. So I`ll try that out. Next week we go to Paris, so I`m making a scrapbook and I`m really excited about it :) hehe, I just hope it wont be ugly or something... :) 

Click on the photos to enlarge them
black & white
Nom Nom big Ice cream
natural colours
hehe we are so international, Paris, Brooklyn, Cuba & Rome

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